
Recordia mushroom care
Recordia mushroom care

recordia mushroom care

It is important to isolate each propagated Mushroom Coral specimen. Consistent feeding which in most cases will require close maintenance of your Mushroom Coral aquaculture facilityĬonsistent feeding which leads to increasing maintenance of your aquaculture facility.In my experience most important of all is the after care. I prefer to forgo the use of skimmers in my facility.

recordia mushroom care

Do frequent and consistent water changes especially on tanks without skimmers. This will provide optimum gas exchange and promote smaller ph shifts. Keep the tanks open and use splash trays and keep the turnover high. The aquaculture tank should have excellent water circulation. Concentration in maintain the highest possible water quality. While it may not necessarily be detrimental to mix species of live Mushroom Coral I have the space so it seemed the prudent approach. I do not even attempt to mix Rhodactis and Ricordea Mushroom Corals. Each tank being a closed system dedicated to one specific type of Mushroom Coral. Ricordea Mushroom Coral aquaculture or any Mushroom Coral aquaculture should be confined to dedicated systems. In my work I propagated Ricordea Mushroom Coral only in Ricordea mushroom reef tanks.Follow these simple directions, practiced with care and focus on the after care and you will soon have a working aquafarm facility with a beautiful garden of Ricordea Mushroom Coral. I have had the best luck with mono specific systems. Most important is the follow up after the Ricordea mushroom coral propagation. Make the cut clean and fast so the tissue is not torn. I find the Ricordea mushroom coral as well as other mushroom coral heal far quicker this way. Your examination of the Ricordea mushroom foot was to ensure we cut the foot in half not the mouth. Once you havedone so gently slide the Ricordea mushroom coral specimen on the cutting board and prepare your razor for a clean swift cut. While still in the tank swish the coral polyp around so the coral pumps out as much water as possible, and examine the foot of the Ricordea mushroom to see how it is positioned relative to the head. Gently pick up the Ricordea mushroom coral specimen in the palm of your hand. Make sure you hands are clean, without the use of soap and saturate them with the salt water from the reef tank. Dampen a clean cloth in this water as well as the clean razor. Before you begin soak the cutting board in a small vat of your discarded water for a few minute. Right before a major coral propagation session I do a small water change and use the discarded water for my work. Rest assured that propagation of a Ricordea mushroom coral is not as intimidating as you may think.I start with a few tools, a plastic cutting board, clean cloth and a fresh razor. A mistake with two hundred dollar Ricordea Yuma would be a discouraging first attempt into a fascinating part of the aquaculture process. With a rather high price tag for a Health specimen of Ricordea Yuma you may wish to start your foray into propagation with the less expensive Ricordea florida. Ricordea Mushroom propagation while relatively easy requires care and attention to detail.

Recordia mushroom care